INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION FOR MIGRATION (IOM) REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR ENHANCING CROSS BORDER COOPERATION OR BORDER MANAGEMENT & COUNTER TRAFFICKING BETWEEN NIGERIA AND NIGER DEADLINE: 15TH SEPTEMBER, 2021 IOM now invites Service Providers/ Consulting Firms to provide Technical and Financial Proposal for the following Services: Enhancing cross-border cooperation on border management and counter-trafficking between Niger and Nigeria (Phase II). More details on the services are provided in the attached Terms of Reference (TOR).
The Service Provider /Consulting Firm will be selected under a Quality –Cost Based Selection procedures described in this RFP.
The RFP includes the following documents: Section I. Instructions to Service Providers/ Consulting Firms Section II. Technical Proposal – Standard Forms Section III. Financial Proposal – Standard Forms Section IV. Terms of Reference Section V. Standard Form of Contract
The Proposals must be delivered by hand or through mail to IOM with office address at No. 55 Hassan Musa Katsina Road, Asokoro, Abuja by 10 AM Wednesday 15th September 2021. No late proposal shall be accepted.
IOM reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal and to annul the selection process and reject all Proposals at any time prior to contract award, without thereby incurring any liability to affected Service Providers/ Consulting Firms
Report any solicitation or suspected fraud to OIGIntake@iom.int or go to https://weareallin.iom.int/reports
IOM Abuja Procurement Team
IOM is encouraging companies to use recycled materials or materials coming from sustainable resources or produced using a technology that has lower ecological footprints.